Speaking in Numbers. Accounting Terms Explained.
Like most business owners, we love it when clients understand what we do and want to know more about our world.
Tax pooling – answering your questions
Tax pooling has been around since 2003 but most people have no idea of this attractive option to pay income tax.
Progress of accountant (internal)
Notes for what accountants should be able to do after periods of time.
Fringe Benefit Tax – is it Fair?
Employees who received fringe benefits as part of their pay should be taxed, just like regular wages.
Business Owners: How to Pay Yourself
As a business owner, it’s important to make enough profit to cover your personal expenses. But how do you determine your regular “income” when your accounts are only prepared annually?
Unravelling the Roles: Directors vs Shareholders
Shareholders and directors work hand-in-hand to steer the company forward. Each has separate, distinct roles, responsibilities, and potential liabilities.
Business Basics – what are financial statements?
Discover what’s in financial statements, why they’re created, and who finds them helpful.
Business Basics – what taxes do businesses pay?
One of your many obligations as a business owner is pay tax and my goodness, there are a lot!
Learn more on the tax that most small and medium business physically pays to Inland Revenue.
Business Basics – GST
To register or not to register? That’s a very good question faced by business owners when starting up, and also when expanding operations. Read further for answers to your questions.
Business Basics – Income Tax Return
We’re going to break down the front page of the tax return – what are the components and how do they relate to the information you’ve given us?