Fringe Benefit Tax – is it Fair?

Employees who received fringe benefits as part of their pay should be taxed, just like regular wages.
Let’s Get Started with Cash Flow Forecasting!

Ready to start managing your money like a pro? Let us guide you through the process of preparing a cash flow forecast.
How is your business profit taxed?

For 2024, Inland Revenue is specifically looking to make sure business profits from personal services aren’t being diverted to other structures to avoid tax.
Cash Flow Forecasting: Prepare to Rock Your Finances!

Get ready to cash in on forecasting! Trust us, your business will thank you. By understanding your revenue and costs, you’ll have all the power to take action when the time is just right.
A guide to income tax for business owners
We’ve built this article around the questions we frequently get from new business owners. Scroll down, or feel free to jump straight to the one on your mind! What is provisional tax? The moment it’s anticipated that you’ll pay more than $5,000 in tax per year, you enter the IRD’s provisional tax regime. Provisional tax […]
Paying Tax (or Not)

Paying your fair share of tax is required by law, but paying too much is unnecessary.